

Learn more about floating and float therapy and it's positive impact

Welcome / Orientation Video

Surface Front Desk

What Is Floating?

Floatation Therapy is also referred to as Sensory Deprivation Therapy, REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy), or more commonly known today as Floating. It is the therapeutic practice of entering a sensory reduced environment and floating in salt water held within a highly specialized tank. This modality was first used by the scientist John C. Lily, who among other things, invented salt-water pools for his research experiments. During his research he discovered that the sensory deprivation environment he was creating for his control groups, actually had more powerful and lasting benefits than the treatment variables he was utilizing. And so, began the era of using floating for its therapeutic benefits. Since those early days, there have been many developments in floating, particularly in the kind of tanks used to float. Compared to the pools and tanks of the past, tanks today are super comfortable and very user-friendly. Yet, the therapeutic results remain just as powerful and beneficial.

Surface tanks

Why Float?

We think you should float because it has helped us and we love it! But don’t take our word for it! Come float with us if you want to experience:

  • Relaxation…
  • Replenishment…
  • Easier, faster recovery from life’s daily grind, working-out, or training …
  • Reduced pain perception…
  • Recovery from the effects of stress...
  • Recovery from Jetlag…
  • Support with addiction recovery…
  • Improved sleep…
  • Improved physical, mental and emotional wellbeing…
  • Sparked creativity…
  • Innovation, problem-solving and idea generation…
  • The completely awesome feeling of complete buoyancy…

Our top priority is to help you feel, work, play, create and think your best!

The Benefits of Floating

Who Can Float

Floating offers many benefits that all of us deserve to experience.

There are a few contraindications and circumstances when someone should NOT float, please check our FAQs for a more detailed description or give us a call if you have any questions.

Some things to consider:

  • Surface Float is accessibility-conscious. The entire building is ground level with ample room in
    doorways. Please let us know ahead of time so we can prepare your room appropriately. Persons with mobility considerations that would have difficulty getting in and out of
    the tanks can bring a support person to help them. Our staff is not able to assist with transfers or assistance getting in and out of the tank.
  • Please be aware that for our young floaters, a checklist must be completed prior to booking a float to make sure the child is able to float safely. A waiver must be signed by the guardian for floaters under the age of 18.
  • Please note that guests with service dogs are welcome, however, there are some important pre-requisites to go over before a guest with a service dog can attend an appointment. Please call us at least 48 hours prior to your appointment so we can go over this important information with you. 
  • Please let us know ahead of time of time if you have any other special considerations and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

What to expect

Welcome to Floating! Please check in at the desk and our staff will be happy to guide you through the process.

We require an intake form to be completed for every client. These must be completed BEFORE your scheduled appointment. We do not provide paper copies. They can be accessed easily and securely online. If you are booking in for a sauna, float and/or a massage, you will need to complete an intake form for each. You will receive the links to the forms in your Booking Confirmation email. Please read this email and follow the links to your appropriate forms. Please let us know about any medical concerns, allergies or any other special considerations on your intake form.

We ask all our clients to remove their shoes and turn off their cell phones. Because the floating experience is as soundproof as possible and for courtesy and privacy considerations, our centre is a No Phone Zone. Please turn off your phone upon arrival or leave it in your vehicle.

Please do not wear a bathing suit during your float, for a few reasons...
It can be distracting to have straps and ties.
The fabric of the suit can have chemical residues from pools, hot tubs or from being laundered that can affect our water quality.
If you shower with your suit on you aren't getting a good shower and the soap can leave a residue on the fabric that can affect the water. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

Please use the washroom before your float. We understand that sometimes nature will call once you're floating, if this occurs we give you a robe and sandals so you can leave your float to use the washroom. Please exit the tank carefully and dry yourself as best you can to avoid dripping salt everywhere. However, we really encourage clients to use the washroom before entering your float room and avoid mother nature from interrupting your float, as it is quite distracting, not to mention it is a salty mess to clean up when this happens! Please be aware that contaminating the tank water results in a contamination, cleaning and replacement fee, so the best thing to do is to use the washroom ahead of time.

When it’s time for your float, you will enter your private room that is equipped with a float tank, shower and a place to leave your personal belongings during your float. Please lock your door. We ask all of our clients to shower first and wash up thoroughly. This is to ensure you wash off any hair and body products that can interfere with the chemistry of the water in the float pod. Even if you showered at home, we still need you to have a shower as your products may not be compatible and leave a residue in our water (please refer to the intake form for a full list of our water safety policies). Please don’t use conditioner BEFORE your float. After your float, feel free to use conditioner.

We encourage you to keep an open mind and soak in the experience! Each float is unique. Our minds love to keep busy and always be doing something. When you float, you put your mind and body in a state of doing nothing…in stillness. This can make the mind go a little hyperactive at first. Once the mind realizes it’s not being stimulated with constant sensory input, it will shift and start entering a more calm and meditative state. This is the state of mind that is associated with so many benefits. So be patient and stick with it…and float often. For this reason, we encourage our clients to try floating for the full 90 minutes. For a lot of people, the first 30 minutes are spent getting used to the experience and settling in. Then you still have a full hour to enjoy rebooting. But as we’ve mentioned, you are in full control and can exit the tank whenever you wish.

It’s also important to be prepared for the float environment. The water temperature is set to be the same as the typical body temperature. If you have any concerns about the temperature, let us know ahead of time and we can customize this for you. The water is saturated with Epsom salt. Epsom salt is amazing for detoxing the body, helping in the healing process, soothing sore/aching muscles, hydration and much more. Also, you will not get wrinkly/pruney skin during your float…in fact, your skin will feel silky soft after. Even though Epsom salts have so many benefits, it’s still salt. Please don’t shave or wax for, ideally, 24 hrs before your appointment. If you have small cuts or skin irritations, the salt may make them sting. We provide you with petroleum jelly to cover and protect any small cuts or abrasions. However, if you have a large wound a rash or eczema, wait until you’re healed before floating. It is important that you don’t touch your face during your float as the water will make your eyes sting. If you accidentally get the float water in your eyes, there is a clean towel you can wet with cold water before your float, which you can use to wipe off your face. It is also important to take care of your ears. Please use the earplugs and put them in properly so they make a good seal. After your float, it is important to make sure you don't have any salt left behind in your ears. We provide you with a diluted vinegar solution to rinse out your ears in your post-float shower. Please note that if you have ear tubes or have had a recent ear infection, you need your doctor's advice prior to floating.

You can choose the amount of light during your float, by leaving the tank light on or off. The main overhead lights are on a motion sensor and will turn off and on on their own. We find most people are able to relax more deeply with the lights off, however, you will soon learn your preferences and can customize your future floats to your liking. It is important to note, that if this is your first time floating, turning the lights off may result in a sensation of spinning or feeling a bit disoriented. This is normal. It is happening because the brain does not have external stimulation to tell it where it is. Removing gravity and visual stimulation will be new to your brain so be patient and if it is too uncomfortable, maybe you decide to float with the light on. We can guarantee with certainty that you are not spinning out, the tanks are just not that big to allow for that!

If at any time you feel uncomfortable or have a concern, please let us know.

When your time is up, the music will start playing to gently ease you back to reality. A bit of a heads up--some people go so deep into their float that they will sleep through the end-of-float-cues. That's OK, we don't want you to worry about that! We have protocols in place to wake people up. In the pods, the filtration kicks in and that is usually enough to wake a floater up. If a client is floating in the pools, first, we will increase the music volume and turn the light on. If that doesn't work, we will knock on your door. Once you are awake, exit your tank slowly and carefully as you will be very loose and relaxed, and Epsom Salt makes you silky and slippery! Shower off to get all the salt residue off.

We give you time to shower and get dressed after your float, but we do need enough time to clean the room. We will knock on your door if you are getting past the allotted time. At this time we will need you to exit the room promptly. You can put on your provided robe, gather your belongings and proceed to finish getting ready in the changing room. Once you’re done, you can proceed to the beauty bar area to finish getting ready. We have a hair dryer that you may use, but please be mindful of not talking as we have other clients using the facility.

Once you are ready, you ca proceed to the lobby and we will be happy to chat or answer any questions or concerns you may have. If you need a drink after, please let us know so we can get one for you. It is important to stay well hydrated after to support your body through the gentle detox process. Also, remember to be mindful of your ears in the days after your float. Give us a call if you have any questions.

Floating in the Media

Even though floating is not new, it has been gaining more and more mainstream awareness since the early 2000’s.

Many celebrities, public figures and professional sports teams use floating and praise its many benefits.

Many professional sports teams have incorporated floating into their athletes’ training and physical recovery practice.

Check out the documentary "Float Nation" below for a more in-depth look at floating.

floating in Dreampod tank

Make it a habit

Would you neglect to regularly charge your phone or to update your phone software and expect it work properly? Likely not.
So why has it become acceptable to neglect our physical, emotional and mental well-being and not give ourselves regular time to recharge and upgrade?
Just like any other healthy habit, it takes practice and consistency to get the full benefits of floating. Each time you float, you reap more benefits.
We offer memberships that make maintaining a floating practice accessible and affordable.